
Loving, even when you don’t want to

We know love is the greatest commandment because Jesus said it was. Loving our neighbor is important but it can be HARD! How are we supposed to love when people are reckless, lack morals, and hard-hearted?

It can be hard, so we must pray. Pray for ourselves and for for the people around us.

You may ask, “Is it selfish to pray for myself first?”


Praying for yourself so you can have peace while handling situations with people who are causing you hardships/are difficult to love in the moment is important. You must be filled up first before you can pour out to others!

“But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those that persecute you.” Matthew 5:44.

Yes Jesus did say to pray for your enemies! It doesn’t have to be enemies either! They can be family members who you would rather yell at then be kind to. It could say “love your friend, who is hurling insults at you.”

Whoever is coming against you right now, pray for them. Extend grace to them. It may be hard right now, and you aren’t perfect so it’s okay if you mess up. God has grace for you also.

My husband said these very wise words today:

Being harsh and showing no grace is being selfish.

Truth without grace is an iron fist.

And grace without truth is a doormat.

Which are you today? A selfish person, an iron fist or a doormat?

How can you love your enemies and show grace to them this week?

Remember to fill yourself up today. You are doing a great job!

Hey friends! I'm Jaden! I'm just your average 22 year old christian girl....NOT! I've been through a lot in my life so I know how you feel when you're down, depressed, heartbroken, laid up and sick. I'm here for you and know that God has never left you. Keep on going, and Be encouraged!