Grad time!
Graduation is a big event in student’s lives. All the hard work has finally paid off! But for what? A ceremony and party afterward?
If you look at it like that then you will be sad once the celebration ends and your friends depart.
Graduation is a big milestone for students and it should be! You’ve worked hard for 13 years + however long you decide to go to college or trade school!
For students getting ready for college this summer a big thing they should do is pray and read their bibles.
College is really cool but there can be conflicting beliefs to ours as Christians. Professors can teach what they want as long as it meets requirements.
That means they can teach that aliens exist and that there is a space ship mentioned in the bible (This legit happened my freshman year of college. I don’t remember where my professor said the space ship was mentioned though. I think it was Leviticus).
Then in history they will teach you about Deism. If you aren’t familar with Deism it is a belief system that was thought of during the early years of the American government.
Our country was raised on “in God we trust,” but when dinosaur fossils began to be found and they weren’t “mentioned” in the bible people began to think that God didn’t care about details like that.
(Dinosaur was a new word that they came up with so why would it be in the bible if it was just created? The bible does mention the word “behemoth”).
If the God of the universe created you and I, why wouldn’t he care about the details?
He created those gold flecks in your eyes and that birthmark on your chin. He carefully numbered each hair on top of your head and knit you specifically in your mother’s womb. So why wouldn’t he care about the things you care about?
He gave you your talents and gifts so if you’re interesting in woodworking then he cares and if you like car mechanics and makeup he cares.
When you go on after graduation, don’t lose faith in the God you’ve known for so long. College is not easy and professors and other students aren’t necessarily easy to get along with either.
But God is there for you. He knows you and he cares about what you care about.
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Ben Sanchez