The provision of God
It can be hard to lean on God when we don’t know where we’re being led. Has God ever told you to do something and you did it? How did it feel? When something went a wry did you rely on God to provide a way or were you scared or doubting?
All of those emotions are normal. I’ve come to learn that if God asked you do something, he will provide a way for you to do it. One of my own experiences was when God asked me to move out of my parents house. Depending on where you live or your family’s beliefs you might think 20 was pretty old to be still living at my mom’s. Anyway, God told me to move and I knew a place that rented rooms so I rented one in an InterVarsity house (a christian club on campus).
I got a job and it was great! Until they cut hours dramatically. I was like, “Crap! How am I going to pay rent?” That week everyone got a $100 bonus with their paycheck. That gave me just enough to pay what I owed for rent (with what I had in savings and the rest of my paycheck). I remember freaking out and then when the check came I thought, “How could God ask me to move out and then not provide a way for me to do it?”
Obviously I still worked for it and did all I could, but God was the one who made a way. What is God telling you today that you can do? Put aside the doubts and the fear and ask, “God what do you want me to do?”
Obedience can be hard but it’s so good. Don’t be hard on yourself if you’ve chickened out a few times. I have too. But it is so rewarding in your spirit when you listen and obey what God is asking you to do. You may not feel rewarded until years down the line but be still and know God is fighting for you.
Today, I went to a movie and about 20 minutes in I felt God telling me to get out of the theater. I waited a few minutes and the voice kept saying, “get out of the theater.” So I got up and walked out. I didn’t realize the movie had witchcraft and demonic stuff in it. So as I was walking out I heard some of the nasty stuff going on.
I am very sensitive to that type of stuff so even though the movie tickets went to waste I knew God was protecting me. I’ve watched things I shouldn’t have before and it sucked afterward because I had nightmares and it affected me negatively. That’s my conviction.
God might not be asking you to do radical things. He might just ask you to give someone $20 or walk out of movie or compliment a persons hair. Whatever it is, trust God. Trust in his provision and trust in his word. He is a good God and he’s not going to let you down.
How are you going to actively listen to God this week?
Where is God telling you to go?
How can you seek God this week?
Are you willing to build your faith by trusting in God?