Are you tired?
There is so much busyness happening all the time. If you’re at work you’re moving and if you’re at home your moving and if you have a minute to stop you’re thinking of all the things you could be doing or “should” be doing. It’s all so exhausting. How are we ever supposed to rest?
Setting boundaries and time for yourself are important to help you find rest. That means cutting your time short with friends or family so you can go to sleep earlier. Making time for you have to have rest important. That means scheduling an hour or a day for you to relax and do chores or hobbies you like to do.
In Mark chapter 4 Jesus had been speaking to a lot of people by a lake. By the night time his disciples and him went to cross the lake so they were all in a boat. Jesus was tired so he fell asleep in the boat. Mark 4:38-39
“Jesus was inside the boat, sleeping with his head on a pillow. The followers went and woke him. They said, ‘Teacher, don’t you care about us? We are going to drown!’
Jesus stood up and gave a command to the wind and the water. He said, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then the wind stopped, and the lake became calm.”
Jesus had been outside all day telling people stories or parables. He was in the middle east where it is quite warm. He also ended up explaining all of his stories he told to his disciples. I don’t know about you but explaining things can be tiring along with being heat tired I would want to take a nap too.
Jesus was tired. Jesus took care of a lot of people and if you take care of anyone in your family or in your life you know it can be tiring. He still gave himself time to have community and to have personal time with God. You will not regret doing any of those things either.
If you feel really tired today, just take a deep breathe and know that God is standing behind you and he knows you. He is for you.
Challenges and questions of the week:
What boundaries can you set to help yourself get more rest?
Are you feeling energized? How can you use that energy to bless others?
Take some time for yourself this week just to relax. You deserve it!
One Comment
Wayne Ardizzone
Love your post Jaden!