
Jealousy and forgiveness

Jealousy is a slippery snake. It can come along quietly and wrap its lengthy body around your heart and choke you out.

One of the ten commandments says not “you shall not covet,” and that means that you won’t desire what is not yours.

Jealousy as a kid or teen can look like wanting a toy or wanting a relationship or something like that. But as an adult it can mean wanting a spouse like your friend does or having a great desire for money.

When I have felt jealous it has stemmed from a place of unforgiveness and comparison. Forgiveness is so uplifting. When you forgive, weights and burdens are lifted from your heart, shoulders, and mind.

Sometimes forgiveness takes time. You may have to forgive them everyday, or whenever you think of that person. Sometimes the person who needs the most forgiveness in your life is yourself.

If you are experiencing jealousy in your life right now, remind yourself that you are worthy just as you are. In life, there are no timelines. It’s okay to go at your own pace, and it’s okay to have desires. It’s important to fix your eyes on Christ and make him your One desire.

When you desire Christ, nothing else in this world will fill your heart or life like he will. God is enough, he is enough to heal you of this jealousy and hurt. You don’t have to go through this alone.

If you are experiencing jealousy and you feel it’s from unforgiveness, take a moment and repeat this prayer—-OUT LOUD—-

God, I forgive ____________ (name of whoever you are forgiving, can be yourself). I release the pain, the grudges, and hurt to you God. You are the fulfiller of my soul. You are enough for me. Amen.

Saying it outloud helps to release what you have been holding onto.

Let me know in the comments if you prayed this prayer and how it has affected you!

For me, it has been very freeing!!

Hey friends! I'm Jaden! I'm just your average 22 year old christian girl....NOT! I've been through a lot in my life so I know how you feel when you're down, depressed, heartbroken, laid up and sick. I'm here for you and know that God has never left you. Keep on going, and Be encouraged!