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    “God rewards those who diligently seek him,” Hebrews 11:6. This verse showed up twice in a row on my instagram feed today. What does it mean? Life is a constant battle, fighting to stay awake, to stay alive, fighting for our relationships, fighting for a break. Life always goes on even when we’re not ready. So we need to continually remind ourselves of who we should be seeking. It’s easy to be fired up for Christ when you’ve got done at a worship night or a retreat. But its the everyday days that always get to you. You have to do things everyday that remind you of your purpose in…

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    Hello Friend! This post is going to be an encouragement letter to help you do that thing that God told you to do and you just haven’t done it yet. So, maybe you have a dream and you thought it was from God, and fear came in and tried to stop you from reaching your potential. Your dream means something. That passion that burns in your heart that you set aside everyday while you go to work or school, God wouldn’t have set that fire inside of you if he didn’t know you could do something with it! You are special! You are loved! You are enough! It may look…

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    Jealousy and forgiveness

    Jealousy is a slippery snake. It can come along quietly and wrap its lengthy body around your heart and choke you out. One of the ten commandments says not “you shall not covet,” and that means that you won’t desire what is not yours. Jealousy as a kid or teen can look like wanting a toy or wanting a relationship or something like that. But as an adult it can mean wanting a spouse like your friend does or having a great desire for money. When I have felt jealous it has stemmed from a place of unforgiveness and comparison. Forgiveness is so uplifting. When you forgive, weights and burdens…

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    A journey

    Have you ever had a big goal? Maybe it’s being on a that big soccer team you’ve always dreamed of. Maybe it’s owning a house or getting married. Maybe you have the goal of being happy. Whatever your goal is, have you thought about what you’ll do after you accomplish it? A coworker of mine told me she works 72 hours a week and in a year she’ll be able to buy a house. That’s so awesome! What a cool goal! But she also said she has no life. She works the midnight to 7 am shift. Then she goes to another job. What will she do once she has…

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    HEYOOO Life has been a little crazy lately. A lot of brokenness has been brought up, in our country and our everyday lives. What can we do when it all seems to be falling apart? Well, we can pray. We can seek guidence from trusted friends, family members and mentors. What we shouldn’t do is give up. Giving up allows room for the enemy to move more deeply in our lives. Hope is like a slap in the face to the devil. Hoping for our country to be better. Hoping for a better job or a pay raise. Hoping for our friends and family to get better. It’s not dumb…

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    Start each day with a grateful heart!

    Sometimes life can feel really mundane and tiring. My first year of college I became depressed and it became difficult to get out of bed in the morning. That’s when I would state 5 things I was grateful for. It could be anything. Like my bed, dog, fiance, or car. Whatever I thought of I would say it and it gave me the motivation to get up when I all I wanted to do was go back to sleep for the rest of my life lol. What does the bible say about gratefulness? Gratitude is spoken of a lot in Psalms, but here is a well known verse: Psalms 118:1…

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    Grad time!

    Graduation is a big event in student’s lives. All the hard work has finally paid off! But for what? A ceremony and party afterward? If you look at it like that then you will be sad once the celebration ends and your friends depart. Graduation is a big milestone for students and it should be! You’ve worked hard for 13 years + however long you decide to go to college or trade school! For students getting ready for college this summer a big thing they should do is pray and read their bibles. College is really cool but there can be conflicting beliefs to ours as Christians. Professors can teach…

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    Love and Marriage, Love and Marriage

    Have you ever thought about marriage and heaven? Do these two collide? My mom always told me we wouldn’t be married in heaven. “We won’t have any earthly desires,” she would say. When you’re in a relationship it’s normal to think about the eternal side of it. If you’ve grown in a Christian environment then you have probably heard the story the Sadducees ask Jesus about that talk of the seven brothers and one wife (Luke 20: 27-40). In short they are asking about resurrection (the Sadducees don’t believe in resurrection) and marriage. They ask if a woman becomes widowed without children and she marries the brother and becomes widowed…

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    What is the desire of your heart?

    Hey friends! Has quarantine got you down? Are you feeling empty or lonely? Are you dealing with some rough situations or tough times? Then let me ask you one question: Have you made Jesus the Desire of your heart? I was reading my bible yesterday and I turned to the front page and I had written at the top in pink pen “Is Jesus your one desire?” Whatever your answer is, realign yourself today. Ask God to be your one desire. When you fix your eyes on Jesus all the worries and stress melt away…jk. Jesus isn’t a magical genie, but he is the best friend you could ever ask…