

in the years that have been taking over by a pandemic that has set people apart, connection has become scarce. People have gotten used to being alone and being connected to a screen.

Connection is a vital part of a rich and vital relationship. If your want your relationships to be fruitful and full of life you have to connect emotionally. This can be different for guys and gals just because of the social norms taught to people at a young age.

Guys connecting with guys in deep and meaningful conversation is just as important as women connecting with other women. A lot of men have been taught that it’s not masculine to be vulnerable or emotionally connected to other guys.

Some topics men might want to talk about (not limited to men, women can struggle with this too) is struggling in a relationship, battling porn or masturbating addictions, sexual trauma. Those are things you can talk to a therapist about but it’s also beneficial to talk to your friends about as well if they have the capacity to (you can ask, “do you have capacity for me to talk about some things I’ve been dealing with recently?”. These are things that my friends have dealt with and have confided in me. That gives us connection and a deeper relationship than we originally had.

Connection in marriage is especially important. You can connect via sex but also have deep conversations. Talking face to face without the distraction of TV or phones. You can have meaningful conversation on long car rides.

It can be hard to find friends, especially if you don’t go to school. Making friends at work, at places you go to often (library, coffee shops, department stores, barbershop/salon, etc.) are great ways to start. Also getting involved in church and small groups are great too.

If you need help getting connection, again a therapist could be helpful, sometimes you have to try a few to find one that fits you. You can also listen to Justin and Abi’s The Connected life podcast. I also listened to a few by Home with Havilah that have been very good. Along with the Kylo show by Danny silk.

I don’t agree with everything these people say but I do think they have great tools to help you build connection in your life.

how can you get seek connection this week?

do you feel connected to God?
how can you build onto your relationship with God this week?

what can you do to get more connected to your friends?

Hey friends! I'm Jaden! I'm just your average 22 year old christian girl....NOT! I've been through a lot in my life so I know how you feel when you're down, depressed, heartbroken, laid up and sick. I'm here for you and know that God has never left you. Keep on going, and Be encouraged!