Hate Thanksgiving? Read this
We see the happy family in the movies and TV shows and think wow, I wish my thanksgiving could look like that. Holidays can be hard if you have an unconventional family or situation. But even in the midst of trauma and bad memories, we can still make the best of the holiday. We don’t have to go on hating the holidays. It’s typical to think of all the things we’re thankful for on thanksgiving, hence the “thank” part. So we can practice gratitude. Gratitude changes everything. You can go from hating your life to actually enjoying getting up in the morning. Sometimes you have to look up from the…
Start each day with a grateful heart!
Sometimes life can feel really mundane and tiring. My first year of college I became depressed and it became difficult to get out of bed in the morning. That’s when I would state 5 things I was grateful for. It could be anything. Like my bed, dog, fiance, or car. Whatever I thought of I would say it and it gave me the motivation to get up when I all I wanted to do was go back to sleep for the rest of my life lol. What does the bible say about gratefulness? Gratitude is spoken of a lot in Psalms, but here is a well known verse: Psalms 118:1…