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    The provision of God

    It can be hard to lean on God when we don’t know where we’re being led. Has God ever told you to do something and you did it? How did it feel? When something went a wry did you rely on God to provide a way or were you scared or doubting? All of those emotions are normal. I’ve come to learn that if God asked you do something, he will provide a way for you to do it. One of my own experiences was when God asked me to move out of my parents house. Depending on where you live or your family’s beliefs you might think 20 was…

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    It’s hard to see when fog is blocking your view. It’s hard to see when your future is uncertain. But guess what? God doesn’t say you have to know what is ahead to live a full and beautiful life. God is kind. If God can provide for all the animals of the sea and the birds in the sky, why wouldn’t he provide for you? Animals don’t have the same type of souls as us. We are unique to all other creatures. God has blessed us with speech and beauty and choice. So why wouldn’t he take care of you if you has treasured you more than the birds of…