Tylenol for the heartache
Growing up my mom gave me Tylenol for everything. My head hurt? Tylenol. My knee hurt? Tylenol. Everything was fixed with Tylenol. Are there places in your life where you wish you could just take Tylenol to rid yourself of the pain for a little while? The last few days I’ve felt a lot of emotion. A lot of hurt, fear and sadness. So I thought, as I was up at 3 am crying, “I wish I could take Tylenol to make my heartache go away.” There are tools to use to make heartache fade. The type of heartache I’m talking about is a deep, deep sadness. The type you…
It has been a crazy crazy past few months. Life has been challenging and unforgiving. I feel like I should be talking about depression and the deep sadness I’ve felt recently, BUT God wants to talk about JOY! It’s totally understandable to feel sadness. The sadness and depression you have been experiencing for almost year are totally valid. The causes for those feelings are real and you are seen in this time by a God who knows how you are feeling and is here to comfort you. It’s also totally okay to lean into goodness and seek kindness and something full of light. Today is the day the Lord has…
Winning the war with yourself
Some days it’s hard to move. It’s hard to get going, to work or eat or take care of yourself, let alone anyone else. Some days it’s not easy to be you. Today felt like one of those days. It was a crawl back in bed and not get up unless I have to day. It wasn’t just the sadness weighing me down, it was something else too. A part of me didn’t want to try. I was given some wisdom, to spend time with God. But I didn’t want to do that. It was too hard to even try. So I fell asleep. The importance of sleep has probably…